Monday, February 10, 2014

Rule - The path to Power

The link in the center of the menu bar will take you to the Rule screen:
This is an example of the Rule screen, showing the rule for Davey Jones Locker. This is the most important of the worlds for income, and you should focus on it as much as possible.

Each world has its own unique properties. Each property has a basic cost per unit, and a fixed income per unit.

The cost of each property rises with each purchase you make. The income generated by each property does not change though.

Because property cost rises with each purchase, you should only buy in groups of 10.

I recommend that you use Sal the Foot's calculator. You can find it here. Make sure cookies are enabled and save your data. Also make a donation to Sal, he did this out of the goodness of his heart, and also maintains it.

The calculator will tell what property you should buy next. The recommendations it makes are based on the Return on Investment.

In Pirate Clan, your Rule is a very important thing. Your total Rule will determine your profit, that is the amount of coins you are bringing in with each payment. This may be modified by upkeep, which is money paid out on many of the items you can buy in the Clan section (more on this in the next section).

Your profit determines many other things in the game, including your bounty cost, Lottery winnings and calendar prizes. And winnings from the Battle Arena and the Armada Wars will also be determined by your profit.

Your bounty cost is roughly 6.8 times your profit. It is actually a much longer number, but 6.8 is close enough. You can also calculate an opponents profit by reversing this calculation. Roughly. The best way to do this, is to look at the cost to bounty trap your opponent. The cost of a bounty trap is 1/2 that of the base cost of a bounty. So take the bounty trap cost, double it, and divide by 6.8 and you will know roughly how much an opponent makes per payment.

Lottery winnings are calculated using the profit as well. A single number hit in the lottery is worth 6 income payments. A 2 number hit is worth 12 income payments plus 2% of the income required to level. All other lottery prizes, for 3 numbers and better, are DJ points, free tickets in the lottery and additional experience.

The Monthly Special Calendars and Three Day Calendars are derive their value from your profit. Each of these calendars is worth a minimum of 74 income payments. This is only the minimum you can expect from the Calendars.
The Calendar clearance for all games is 24 income payments. Each door is worth:
2 payments (50%) + 10% XP to level
3 payments (30%) + 15% XP to level
5 payments (15%) + 30% XP to level
10 payments (5%) + 60% XP to level + 5 DJ points (only on monthly calendars)
So the calendar has a minimum total value of 74 income payments, and a theoretical maximum of 274 payments. Don't count on 274 payments though... that would require luck beyond my ability to calculate. If you do get that, proceed immediately to the nearest store and buy many lottery tickets. Then send me 10% of whatever you win for advising you. Thank you in advance.

The smallest prize you can receive in the Battle Arena is 10 income payments, and for the Armada Wars it is 25 income payments.

Different character classes can also affect the actual number of coins you can receive per day. The various classes are as follows:
The Buccaneer, Raider, and Outcast Pirates and the Grand Admiral each get one payment per hour, or 24 payments per day.
The Privateer Pirate gets one payment every 48 minutes, or 30 payments per day.
The Rogue and Raj Pirates get one payment every 42 minutes, or 34 payments per day.
The Shipmaster and Dreadlord get one payment every 40 minutes, or 36 payments per day.

As you can see, some of these characters can radically increase the amount of money you get per day.

As much as the hoard looks like a nice way to keep your money safe, it will actually cost you more to use it than you are likely to lose in battle.
As an example, let us say that you have 1,000,000,000 coins on hand right now. If you put this money into the hoard, you will pay 100,000,000 coins unless you have a Swashbuckler (an Elite Captain - more on them later). If you have a Swashbuckler, you will pay 50,000,000 coins for the same deposit. This means you will deposit 900-950 million coins.
Now, if you consider that you will lose only 500,000 coins in a battle loss, you would need to lose 100 to 200 battles per billion coins deposited. That is a lot of battles to lose. And that is only for a billion coins.

TIP: DO NOT USE THE HOARD AT ALL. Build your income first. Once you have a powerful income stream, start putting money in the hoard only to get the Hoard Achievements.

Now that you can see the importance of your income in the game, get out there and buy... buy... BUY!

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